An English Tea Party often conjures up scenes from Alice in Wonderland, Country Cottage or Victorian decor and family celebrations.
Tea parties come in two forms, formal or casual. For a formal party the setup is the same as for an Afternoon Tea just on a larger scale, a more casual party will have a country cottage feel about it.
A tea party that is served in the garden is known as a garden party, it is usually more formal than other outdoor gatherings such as parties, picnics and bar-b-ques.
The queen hosts a garden party each year where approximately 8,000 guests attend from all walks of life.
Tea parties are usually scheduled from the mid to late afternoon. It comprises of a light "between meal" that includes small savouries, bite sized sandwiches, scones or biscuits and a variety of cakes all served on doilied plates with serviettes and accompanied by a refreshing pot of tea.

The food at a tea party can be served either buffet style or with plates of assorted food brought to the table where guests help themselves.
The room or garden is often decorated with pretty floral bunting, ribbon and freshly picked local flowers informally arranged in small vases.
Music may vary according to taste but tends to be either Classical from composers such as Vivaldi, Mozart and Handel; Jazz, or an assemble of light relaxing nostalgic tunes that set the ambience you want to create.